John Eller and Susannah Kerns
Husband John Eller
Born: Abt 1767 - Frederick County, Maryland Christened: Died: 1823 - Wilkes County, North Carolina Buried: - New Hope Baptist Cemetery, Purlears, North Carolina
Father: Peter Lenn Eller (Abt 1746-Bef 1799) Mother: Elizabeth Dick (Abt 1749-Bef 1844)
Marriage: 5 Nov 1792 - Rowan County, North CarolinaEvents
1. Census: 1800, Ashe Co., North Carolina.
2. Census: 1810, Ashe Co., North Carolina.
3. Census: 1820, Wilkes Co., North Carolina.
Wife Susannah Kerns
Born: Between 1765 and 1766 - Guilford County, North Carolina Christened: Died: 10 Apr 1853 - North Wilkesboro, North Carolina Buried: - New Hope Baptist Cemetery, Purlear, North Carolina
1 M Simeon Eller
Born: 9 Sep 1794 - Ashe or Wilkes County North Carolina Christened: Died: 19 Jun 1850 - Beaver Creek, Wilkes County, North Carolina Buried: - New Hope Cemetery, N. Wilkesboro, Wilkes, North CarolinaSpouse: Frances Mc Niel (1799-1856) Marr: 16 Apr 1817 - Wilkesboro, Wilkes, North Carolina
2 M David W. Eller
Born: 11 Apr 1796 - Wilkes County, NC Christened: Died: 18 Mar 1870 - Jefferson County, IA Buried: - Moorman Cemetery, Jefferson Co., IowaSpouse: Talitha Judd (1803-1847) Marr: 18 Oct 1819 - Wilkes Co., North CarolinaSpouse: Mary Ann Prest (1822-1895) Marr: 27 Feb 1848 - Jefferson Co., Iowa
3 M John Eller Jr.
Born: 17 Mar 1798 - North Carolina Christened: Died: - Lewis Fork Creek, Wilkes Co., North Carolina Buried:Spouse: Elizabeth Ray Vannoy (1804-1868) Marr: 20 Apr 1820 - Wilkes Co., North Carolina
4 F Rachel Eller
Born: 12 Apr 1800 - Rowan County North Carolina Christened: Died: 26 Dec 1880 - Reddies River, Wilkes Co North Carolina Buried:Spouse: John McNiel (1796-1877) Marr: 22 Aug 1820 - Wilkes Co., North Carolina
5 M Absalom Eller
Born: 17 Feb 1803 Christened: Died: 7 Feb 1879 Buried:Spouse: Sarah Reynolds (1805-1875)
6 M Peter Eller
Born: 17 Mar 1805 - North Carolina Christened: Died: 7 Nov 1872 - Wilkes Co North Carolina Buried:Spouse: Fanny Yates (Abt 1805-1858) Marr: Bef 1832 - Wilkes Co., North CarolinaSpouse: Louisa Church (Between 1835/1836-After 1880) Marr: 16 Nov 1863 - Wilkes Co., North Carolina
7 F Delilah Gazia Eller
Born: 15 Feb 1808 - Wilkes Co North Carolina Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Richard Saunders ( - ) Marr: 30 Oct 1829
8 F Mary Eller
Born: 1810 - Wilkes Co North Carolina Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Alexander Church ( - )
General Notes: Husband - John Eller
MARRIAGE: North Carolina Rowan County
Eller Kerns, John Suzana
Spouse: Eller, John
Kerns, Suzana Marriage Date: 05 Nov 1792
John Eller (page 69 in new Eller book) was born in 1767/9 of parents Peter Eller and Elizabeth Dick Eller. He died in Wilkes County, N.C. i n 1821. He married Susannah Kerns, and according to her gravestone, she died on April 10, 1853 at age 87. John was buried in Cemetery of Robert Cleveland on an adjoining farm - the New Hope Church and Cemetery did not exist. On June 26, 1830 John and Susannah's oldest son Simeon and his wife were founding members of the New Hope Baptist Church, located northwest of North Wilkesboro on a bench of land adjoining the foot of Rendevous Mountain. Undoubtedly the cemetery was developed soon afterward. Simeon died during his fifty-fourth year and was the first of Susannah's family laid to rest in the New Hope Cemetery. Contemporary residents claimed John was never removed from the Cleveland Cemetery to New Hope to lie beside his wife Susannah. However, other records claim he was removed to New Hope Cemetery but no gravestone was ever erected.
The inventory of the estate of John Eller by his sons Simeon and David Eller, administrators, which was filed October 1821, shows that John had a large area of land in the New Hope Section of Lewis Fork, and many items of personal property which included two stills, two sets of blacksmith tools, ten sides of leather, cobbler's tools, etc., as well as 24 gallons of whiskey. In addition to making whiskey, John Eller had blacksmith shops, a tannery, and was a cobbler.
CENSUS: 1800 Ashe Co NC Census
The 1800 Ashe County Census was the first for the northwestern most county in the Tar Heel State. This county was formed in late 1799 and included all of Wilkes County west of the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountain. The 977 square miles that then composed Ashe County has been further divided, first in 1849 to form Watauga County, North Carolina and again 10 years later to form Alleghany County. This record includes families who may have been living in those areas at the time.
Ashe, NC 1800 U.S. Census - Morgan District
Eller, Elizabeth (widow of Peter Eller, son of George Michael Eller]
1 M 0<10
1 M 16<26 [probably son]
1 F 16<26 [probably wife of son]
1 F 45+ [Elizabeth]
Eller, John [son of Peter & Elizabeth Dick Eller]
3 M < 10
1 M 26<45
1 F < 10
1 F 26<45
1810 US Census Ashe Co., NC
John Eller
2 M < 10
1 M 16<26
1 M 26<45
3 F 10<16
1 F 26<45
1820 US Census Wilkes Co., NC
John Eller
1 M 10<16
1 M 16<18
2 M 18<26
1 M 45+
1 F < 10
1 F 10<16
1 F 16<26
1 F 45+
General Notes: Child - Simeon Eller
MARRIAGE: North Carolina
Wilkes County
MARRIAGE: Eller Mcniel, Simeon Fany
Spouse: Eller, Simeon
Mcniel, Fany Marriage Date: 16 Apr 1817
MARRIAGE: Bride: Fany McNiel
Groom: Simeon Eller
Bond Date:16 Apr 1817
County: Wilkes
Record #: 01 078
Bondsman: Amos Harmon
Witness:W W Martin
Bond #: 000165044
DEATH: Simeon died in 1850 and lies in New Hope Cemetery. His tombstone bore the following inscription: "To the memory of Simeon Eller who was born on the 8th day of September, 1794 and who departed this life on the l9th day of June, 1850. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord .
BIOGRAPHY: Simeon Eller and his brother Peter established the old Academy in Wilkesboro, one of the first schools of higher education in western North Carolina. Simeon was chosen Captain of the Wilkes County militia at the same time that his brother Peter was chosen Colonel.
General Notes: Child - David W. Eller
MARRIAGE: North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868
Bride: Talitha Judd
Groom: David Eller
Bond Date: 17 Oct 1818
County: Wilkes
Record #: 01 077
Bondsman: John Judd
Witness: Mary Martin
Bond #: 000165025
BIOGRAPHY: David Eller (Page 75 in new book) brother of Simeon and two years younger was the first of the Eller family to enter Iowa territory. He first moved to Wayne County, Indiana, in 1828 with his first wife, Talitha Judd, and their four small children. Talitha's parents John and Rhoda [Shepherd] Judd also moved there at the same time. Then in 1838 they moved to Jefferson County, Iowa, where two more children were born. Talitha died March 27, 1847. David married his second wife, a widow, Mary A. [Prest ?] Lyons, on February 27, 1848, They had one child, a daughter, Alice, who in 1868 married Marion Tracy, son of Rev . R. N. Tracey of Marysville, Wapello County,
May 20 1846 - Locust Grove Township - Purchaser David Eller - E. 1/2 o f NW 1/4 Section 22 Twp. 72 Rng 11 Acres 80.
BIOGRAPHY: The David Eller homestead, which was located on what was known as the "Old Marion Tracey Farm two and one-half miles southeast of Brookville, consisted of 200 acres - part prairie and part timber - sloping southeastward to Cedar Creek. He brought young fruit trees with him from Indiana and developed a producing orchard.
1820 US Census - Wilkes Co NC
1830 US Census - Wayne Co., Indiana
1840 US Census - Jefferson Co., Iowa
1850 US Census - Jefferson Co, Iowa
1856 State Census Jefferson Co, Iowa
Locust Grove Dwelling 156 -
David Eller 60 M 17 yrs in Jeff. Co. N. Carolina Farmer
Mary Eller 55 F 18 Indiana
John H. Eller 25 M 17 N. Carolina Farmer
Aluisa [?] Lyons 12 F Iowa
David Lyons 11 M "
Alice Eller 7 F "
Living in the next two households are David's married daughters - daughter Mary [Eller] Tinsley and her family, and daughter Clarissa [Eller ] Marion and her family.
Also living in Locust Grove, Dwelling 159, 3 households away is John' s cousin William, son of Simeon:
Eller, Wm age 30 Born NC Farmer People 7 Yrs 3
1860 US Census - Jefferson Co., Iowa
David Eller 64 M Farmer 500/900 North Carolina
Mary 37 F Indiana
Eliza 17 F Student Iowa [David's stepdaughte r Eliza/Alhora Lyons]
David 15 M Farmer Iowa [David's stepson Dav id Lyons]
Alice 11 F
John Eller 28 M Farmer 600/200 Indiana
Mary 26 F North Carolina [Mary Jane Parn ell]
NOTE: Living two doors away is David's daughter Mary and her husband Claiborne Tinsley and their family.
General Notes: Child - Absalom Eller
MARRIAGE: North Carolina
Wilkes County
Eller Reynolds, Absalom Sally
Spouse: Eller, Absalom
Reynolds, Sally Marriage Date: 28 Feb 1824
MARRIAGE: North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868
MARRIAGE: Bride: Sally Reynolds
Groom: Absalom Eller
Bond Date: 28 Feb 1824
County: Wilkes
Record #: 01 077
Bondsman: John McNiel
Witness: R Martin, Clerk
Bond #: 000165022
CENSUS: 1870 Federal Census Wilkes Co Lewis Forks Township North Carol ina p 316
General Notes: Child - Peter Eller
Peter, son of John and Susannah Kerns Eller, was born 17 March, 1805 . He married 1st Fanny Yates, daughter of John and Elizabeth Cleveland. Peter and Fanny Yates Eller had 7 children. After her death, he married 2nd Louisa Church, on 16 Nov 1863, Louisa Church. They had 3 children, Gaither, Robert and Cora Eller, the last child being born after the death of her father. Peter Eller died on 7 Nov 1872.
John Eller and Catherine Fight
Husband John Eller
Born: After 1754 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: George Michael Eller (Abt 1720-Bef 1778) Mother: Anna Catherina Linnen ( - )
Marriage: 10 Aug 1785 - Rowan County, North Carolina
Wife Catherine Fight
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M David Eller
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Sarah Leonard ( - ) Marr: 30 Jun 1815
2 M George Eller
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Catherine Eller ( - ) Marr: 9 Sep 1814 - Rowan County, North Carolina
3 M Peter Eller
Born: 1788 - Rowan County, North Carolina Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Susannah Lemly ( -1849) Marr: 17 Apr 1809 - North Carolina
General Notes: Child - Peter Eller
Peter Eller, born in Rowan Co., North Carolina, served during the War of 1812 as a private in Captain W. L. Dufphey's Company of the 3rd Regiment of U. S. Riflemen. [His Hon. Discharge Papers, Archives Bldg., Wash., D. C.] He was granted 160 acres of Bounty Land in Missouri which he sold to Henry Fight, his brother in law on December 10, 1819. [Deed book 26, p. 112, Rowan Co. NC] He married 17 April 1809 Susannah Lemly and removed to Montgomery Co., VA., and is shown there in the 1820 US Census aged 26<45, with wife of same age and seven children, six males and one female, under age 16.
John Ashley Eller and Bethany Fairchild
Husband John Ashley Eller
Born: 3 Dec 1824 - Wilkes County, North Carolina Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Absalom Eller (1803-1879) Mother: Sarah Reynolds (1805-1875)
Marriage: 27 Oct 1852 - Wilkes Co., North Carolina
Wife Bethany Fairchild
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
John Cleveland Eller and Jane Rebecca Montgomery
Husband John Cleveland Eller
Born: 6 Jul 1822 - Wilkes County, North Carolina Christened: Died: 23 Nov 1892 - Harvard Clay County, Nebraska Buried: - Harvard Cemetery, Clay Co., Nebraska
Father: Simeon Eller (1794-1850) Mother: Frances Mc Niel (1799-1856)
Marriage: 18 Feb 1845 - Wilkes Co, North Carolina
Wife Jane Rebecca Montgomery
Born: 1 Jul 1827 - Wilkes Co, North Carolina Christened: Died: 24 Jul 1909 - Harvard, Clay County, Nebraska Buried: - Harvard Cemetery, Clay Co., Nebraska
1 M Edmond Lee Eller
Born: 10 Jan 1846 - Wilkes Co., North Carolina Christened: Died: 29 May 1900 - Wapello Co., Iowa Buried: - Competine Cemetery, Wapello Co., Iowa
2 M James Allen Eller
Born: 11 Mar 1847 - Wilkes County, NC Christened: Died: 11 Jan 1929 - Jefferson Co., Iowa Buried: - Competine Cemetery Near Farson, Wapello Co., IowaSpouse: Mary Jane Tinsley (1847-1917) Marr: 8 Aug 1872 - Jefferson Co., Iowa
3 M Alexander Hamilton Eller
Born: 14 May 1848 - Wilkes County, NC Christened: Died: 14 Sep 1911 - Clarinda, Page Co., Iowa Buried: - Competine Cemetery, Wapello Co., Iowa
4 F America Elizabeth Eller
Born: 10 Apr 1850 - Wilkes County, North Carolina Christened: Died: 21 Apr 1925 - Clay County, Nebraska Buried: - Harvard Cemetery, Clay Co., Nebraska
5 F Sophronie Caroline Eller
Born: 2 Apr 1852 - Wilkes County, NC Christened: Died: 9 Mar 1943 - Fairfield, Jefferson Co., Iowa Buried:
6 M Charles Thomas Eller
Born: 4 Mar 1858 - Jefferson Co., Iowa Christened: Died: 12 Jan 1910 - Long Beach, California Buried:
7 F Mary Theodocia Eller
Born: May 1861 - Jefferson Co, Nebraska Christened: Died: 29 Aug 1863 - Jefferson Co, Nebraska Buried: - Moorman Cemetery, Jefferson Co., Iowa
8 M Jesse Franklin Eller
Born: 14 May 1865 - Jefferson Co., Iowa Christened: Died: 30 Aug 1940 - Simi, Ventura Co., California Buried:
9 M Joseph Judson Eller
Born: 24 Dec 1871 - Iowa Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - John Cleveland Eller
BIOGRAPHY: John Cleveland Eller5, (Simeon,4, John3, Peter2, George Michael Eller) was born in Wilkes Co., N.C. 6 July 1822; died 12 Nov. 1892 on his farm near Trumbull, Clay County, Nebr. He married, 18 Feb. 1845, Jane Rebecca Montgomery, born Wilkes Co., N.C., 1 July 1827; d. 24 July 1909, at Harvard, Clay Co., Nebr. She was the daughter of Hugh Montgomery. John Cleveland Eller and his wife Jane Rebecca joined the New Hope Baptist Church located some six miles north west of North Wil kesboro, N.C. in 1847 and, thereafter, helped to organize and sustain other churches of the same faith in North Carolina and in Iowa and Nebraska where the family later lived. He was a life long member of the Baptist Missionary Society and a devoted Christian advocate and leader throughout his life. In 1853, with his brother, William Eller,, he removed, by covered wagon, to Jefferson County, Iowa where his brother, Harvey Eller, had settled a year earlier and where his uncle, David Eller had lived since about 1838. He lived in this vicinity until the year 1873 when he moved again to a farm near Trumbull, Clay Co., Nebr. where he lived the remainder of his life.
1856 Iowa State Census Jefferson Co., Iowa, Fairfield Township
Eller, John C, age 33, born North Carolina Farmer 10 people in Household Yrs living there - 3
NOTE- Father of Jane and two sons, Hugh Montgomery age 57, Joseph Montgomery age 19, Rufus Montgomery age 16, living in home of John and Jane Eller - time in Iowa - 0 [must have just arrived]
1880 US Census Leicester, Clay Co., Nebraska
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Fa ther's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
John C. ELLER Self M Male W 58 NC Farmer NC NC
Jane R. ELLER Wife M Female W 63 NC Keeping House NC NC
Edmund E. ELLER Son S Male W 33 NC Farmer NC NC
Charles L. ELLER Son S Male W 22 IA Farmer NC NC
Jessie F. ELLER Son S Male W 15 IA At Home NC NC
Joseph J. ELLER Son S Male W 9 IA NC NC
Sherman HOBSON Other S Male W 20 PA Farm Laborer PA PA
Minnie RANDALL Other Female W 25 ENG Servant ENG ENG
Source Information:
Census Place Leicester, Clay, Nebraska
Family History Library Film 1254745
NA Film Number T9-0745
Page Number 7B
1900 US Census
1910 US Census
General Notes: Wife - Jane Rebecca Montgomery
DEATH: James A. Eller served as the executor of his mother Jane R. Eller's estate in Jefferson County, Iowa. He signed a petition on 1 December 1911, stating that his mother Jane R. Eller died intestate on or about June 1909, having at the time of her death personal property in this state, estimated to be of the value of $150.00
General Notes: Child - James Allen Eller
BIOGRAPHY: Lived and died in Iowa
1880 US Census Place: Polk, Jefferson, Iowa
Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace
James ELLER Self M M W 33 NC Occ: Farmer F a: NC Mo: NC
Mary J. ELLER Wife F M W 32 IA Occ: Keeping House F a: KY Mo: NC
Eldon ELLER Son M S W 5 IA Occ: At Home F a: NC Mo: IA
Lycurgus W. ELLER Son M S W 1 IA Occ: At Home F a: NC Mo: IA
Mary STEWART Other F S W 12 IA Occ: Housekeeping F a: -- Mo: -
General Notes: Child - Alexander Hamilton Eller
Alexander Hamilton Eller, son of John Cleveland and Jane Montgomery Eller.
1880 US Census Polk, Jefferson, Iowa
Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace
A. H. ELLER Self M M W 31 NC Occ: Farmer Fa: N C Mo: NC
Lucy J. ELLER Wife F M W 28 WI Occ: Keeping House Fa: N Y Mo: NY
Cecil ELLER Son M S W 7 IA Occ: At Home Fa: N C Mo: WI
Winthrop ELLER Son M S W 5 IA Occ: At Home Fa: N C Mo: WI
Chester ELLER Son M S W 3 IA Occ: At Home Fa: N C Mo: WI
Nella ELLER Dau F S W 2 IA Occ: At Home Fa: N C Mo: WI
Lloid ELLER Son M S W 4M IA Occ: At Home Fa: N C Mo: WI
Lilly ELLER Dau F S W 4M IA Occ: At Home Fa: N C Mo: WI
Emma PECK Other F S W 20 IA Fa: N Y Mo: NY [sister of Lucy]
DEATH: The following is from the Ottumwa Courier Newspaper 1911, Ottumwa, Iowa -
ELLER FUNERAL SUNDAY Former Keokuk Co., Man Mourned by Many Friends- Leaves Four Sons and Four Daughters. Hedrick, Sept. 16. --The funeral of A.H. Eller will be held Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eller were former residents of this city, having moved a year ago to Clarinda, where their son Dr. Clyde Eller is practicing dentistry and was living with them . His sudden death comes as a shock to his many friends who extend their sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. The remains will arrive at Linby today and the funeral will be held Sunday at Linby. The deceased leaves a wife, four sons and four daughters to mourn his loss, Mrs. Lillian Fox, Seattle, Wash..; Mrs. Mollie Forest, Redsland, Cal.; Mrs. Clara Gambell, Linby, Ia.; Chester Eller, Des Moines; Dr. C.L. Eller, Hedrick; Dr. Loyd Eller, Anita, and Clyde Eller, Clarinda.
General Notes: Child - America Elizabeth Eller
DEATH: America Elizabeth [Eller] Fischer died on 21 April 1925, age 75 . She is buried in the Harvard Cemetery, Harvard, Clay County, Nebraska.
General Notes: Child - Mary Theodocia Eller
Moorman Cemetery, Jefferson Co., Iowa:
Eller, Mary T., Dau of J. C. and Jane Eller. Died Aug 29, 1863 AE 2 y 's. 3 m's. 11 d's.
John M. Eller and Mary Jane Parnell
Husband John M. Eller
Born: 6 Nov 1832 - Wayne County, Indiana Christened: Died: 3 Jan 1913 - Grove, Cass Co, Iowa Buried: - Bk. 4 Lot 28, Atlantic Cemetery, Grove, Cass Co, Iowa
Father: David W. Eller (1796-1870) Mother: Talitha Judd (1803-1847)
Marriage: 27 Jul 1854 - Brookville, Jefferson Co., IowaEvents
1. Census: 1880, Franklin, Cass Co., Iowa.
2. Immigration: 1837, Indiana to Jefferson Co. Iowa.
3. Military: 15 Aug 1862, Enlisted in Union Army.
4. Census: 1850, Iowa.
5. Census: 1856, Jefferson Co., Iowa State Census.
6. Census: 1860, Iowa.
7. Census: 1870, Iowa.
8. Census: 1880, Franklin, Cass Co., Iowa.
Wife Mary Jane Parnell
Born: 10 Sep 1834 - Rowan or Wayne Co., North Carolina Christened: Died: 24 May 1917 - Grove, Cass Co, Iowa Buried: - Bk. 4 Lot 28, Atlantic Cemetery, Grove, Cass Co, Iowa
General Notes: Husband - John M. Eller
John Eller, son of David and Talitha Judd Eller, was born 6 November 1832 in Indiana. The family moved to Jefferson County, Iowa in 1837. John married Mary Jane Parnell on July 27th 1854 at Brookville, Iowa . In March of 1855, John and Mary Jane moved to Franklin Township, Cass County, Iowa. They returned to Jefferson County in 1857, and John enlisted in 1862 in the Union Army, Co H, 30th Iowa Infantry. After the war, he returned to Jefferson County, and remained there until September 1866, when he returned to Franklin Twp, Cass County, Iowa. John and Mary Jane had no children. They moved to Grove Twp, Cass Co, Iowa on 17 November 1887, and remained there until his death on 3 January 1913.
Obituary notice of John Eller from Grove, Cass Co. Iowa Newspaper -
"Well Known Local Man Passes Away at Ten O Clock Last Night at Home on Mulberry Street at Age of 80. Had been Ill for a long time with the illness incident to old age. John Eller, for fifty-seven years a resident of this county, twenty-five of which were spent in this city, died at his home, 607 Mulberry Street at ten o clock last evening; death resulting from the illnesses incident to old age and after a long illness which had intermittently held him bedfast. Deceased was 80 years of age on the 6th of November and was born in Indiana. When a boy he came with his father, John Eller [NOTE: father was David, not John] , to Jefferson County, this state [Iowa]. On July 27th, 1854, he was united in marriage to the wife who survives him, whose maiden name was Jane Parnell, at Brookville, Iowa, and a year later, in 1855 they came to this county, locating on a farm in Franklin township where they lived till the 17th of November 1887, when they moved to this city [ Grove]. There are no children. Deceased was a brother of the late Jesse Eller, and an uncle of W. W. Eller; Mrs. John Frank and Mrs. C. N L aRue. He was the last of his family of five children. The funeral services are to be held at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the late home, the Rev. Yolck of the Baptist church officiating, and the interment is to be in the Atlantic cemetery. The aged wife of the deceased is in poor health and has been for some time, and the death of her husband has accentuated her condition. Mr. Eller was a man whom every one liked. He was a quiet man who believed in the doctrine, live and let live, and in every relation of his life was kindly, honest and square . He leaves a wide circle of friends to mourn his departure and leaves a memory of a life well spent.
Exerpts of the Will of John Eller, dated 23 March 1909: "I, John Eller , of Cass County, and the State of Iowa....Paragrah 1. My will is that all my just debts and funeral charges shall first be paid out of my estate by my executors. Paragraph 2. I devise and bequeath to my beloved wife, Mary Jane Eller, in lieu of dower, all my property both real and personal of which I shall die siezed for and during her natural life; she to have the use thereof as fully as she may desire for her care and support. Paragraph 3. I direct that all of the remainder and residue of my estate upon the death of my said wife be divided into two parts, one half or part of which I devise and bequeath share and share alike to the heirs of my deceased brother and sisters, viz: Mary Tinsley, Jessie Eller and Clarissa Marion, and to my half sister, Alice Tracy, I give, devise and bequeath an equal share of the said one half of my estate with each and all of the said heirs of my above mentioned deceased brothers and sisters, meaning hereby to give, devise and bequeath to the said Alice Tracy, the same amount and share of the said one half of my estate as is hereby given and devised to each of the heirs of the said Jesse Eller, Mary Tinsley and Clarissa Marion. The remaining one half of my said estate remaining after the death of my said wife, I devise and bequeath to the brothers and sisters of my said wife Mary Jane Eller, to wit: Benjamin Parnell, Catharine Eller, Mariah Summerlin and Sarah Hudson, share and share alike. In the event however, that any or all of the said brothers and sisters of my wife die before my death, then the share that would go to them under this Will in case they outlive me, shall go to their heirs share and share alike. Paragraph 4. I hereby nominate and appoint W. W. Eller of Cass County, Iowa, the Executor of this my last Will and Testament..."
DEATH: Page: 73
Name: John Eller
Birth Date: 06 Nov 1832
Death Date: 03 Jan 1913
Cemetery: Atlantic
Town: Grove
Comment: Bk. 4, Lot 28. G.A.R. Co. H. 30th Iowa Vol.
Military: Co. H. 30th Iowa Vol.
Civil War Pension Index
State Filed: Iowa
Widow: Mary J. Eller
Roster and Record, Iowa Soldiers Vol. III - 17th - 31st Regiments - In fantry
Thirtieth Infantry Company H
Eller, John. Age 30. Residence Brookville. Nativity Indiana. Enlis ted Aug 15, 1862. Mustered Sep 14, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal Sept. 1, 1864; Sixth Corporal Jan 1., 1865. Mustered out June 5, 1865 , Washington, D. C.
BIOGRAPHY: John ELLER, a son of David ELLER and a brother of Jesse, came to this vicinity in March, of 1855, and pre-empted a farm on section 20, where he now lives. He is the descendent of Peter ELLER, a Hessian soldier, who came to this country during the Revolutionary War, in the service of Great Britain, and who soon left that service and settled in North Carolina. John was born in Indiana, where his parents had removed some years before, in 1832, and moved with his parents in 1837 , to Jefferson County, Iowa. He came to this county [Cass] in March of 1855 and remained until 1857, when he returned to Jefferson County where he enlisted, in 1862, in Company H, Thirtieth Iowa Infantry, and served with that regiment until the close of the war. He was at the siege of Vicksburg, battle of Jackson, Mississippi, siege of Atlanta, and was with Sherman in his march to the sea. After the war, he returned to Jefferson County, where he remained until September, 1866, when he returned to his farm in this township. His wife was a Mary Jane PARNELL, who was born in Wayne County, North Carolina, in 1834.
1880 US CENSUS:Franklin, Cass Co, Iowa
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
John ELLER Self M Male W 48 IN Farmer N C NC
Mary ELLER Wife M Female W 47 NC Keeping House N C NC
Joseph JOHNSON Other S Male W 22 IL Laborer NORWAY NOR
William MARSHALL Other S Male W 23 IA Laborer --- - --
General Notes: Wife - Mary Jane Parnell
11850 US Census Wilkes Co. NC:
Fanny Eller 51 F $1600.00 Ashe
David Eller 20 F Farmer Wilkes
Anderson Eller 17 M Farmer Wilkes
Jesse 14 F Wilkes
Thomas 12 F Wilkes
America 8 F Wilkes
Mary Parnell 18 F Rowan [Mary Jane was actually born Sep. of 1834, so was a bit younger than was stated here]
She was the sister of Catharine Parnell, wife of William M. Eller, son of Simeon and Fanny Eller. Mary Jane moved with her sister and family to Iowa, and there married John Eller on 27 July 1854 in Brookville, Iowa. John was a cousin of William M. Eller, his Uncle David's son John Eller.
DEATH: Page: 73
Name: Mary J. Eller
Birth Date: 10 Sep 1834
Death Date: 24 May 1917
Cemetery: Atlantic
Town: Grove
Comment: Bk. 4, Lot 28
Relative: wife of: John Eller
Obituary of Mary Jane Parnell Eller:
"MRS. JOHN ELLER IS DEAD Mrs. Mary Eller, widow of the late John Eller , and a woman well-known all over the county, of which she was a pioneer, died at 2:35 this afternoon at her home on Mulberry Street, after an illness extending over several months, which became worse after two strokes which she suffered a week ago yesterday. She never regained conciousness since the strokes. She had no immediate relatives except some nephews and nieces, and Mrs. Peck, (this is Henrietta] a niece , has been at her bedside for some days. The funeral will be held at the Baptist church Saturday at 2 o'clock, the Rev. J. A. Hurley officiating, and the interment will be in the Atlantic Cemetery."
DEATH: The following is an excerpt from the probate of the will of Mar y Jane [Parnell] Eller who died on 24 May 1917, naming her nieces and nephews as heirs of her estate: "That in addition to the foregoing there are two bills now on file which have not been paid, viz; Bill of News-Telegraph Co for $1.92, which is a just bill and should be paid. The bill of M. L. Jenkins in the sum of $50.00 for 2 1/2 weeks nursing has already been paid, as shown by the receipts numbered ___ and ___ in the John Eller estate, said payments having been made in the lifetime of Mary Jane Eller, out of the assets of the John Eller, deceased. That there should be deducted from the amount above stated for distribution the sum of $1.92, leaving a balance to be divided amongst the heirs the sum of $339.00. That the will of decedent provides that certain heirlooms of trivial value, be given to certain heirs named, all of which has been done and receipts therefore are attached hereto. That said will further provides that the balance for distribution be divided amongst her heirs and said heirs are named as follows, with amount going to each heir, their relationship and fractional part of estate in herited by each towit;
John T. Parnell 1/4 Nephew $ 84.75 [only child of Benjamin Parnell of Mocksville, Davie Co., NC]
1/4 total
James C. Eller 1/40 " 8.47 [these are the 10 Children of Catharine Parnell Eller who moved with her husband William M. Eller to Nebraska]
B.F. Eller 1/40 " 8.47
David Eller 1/40 " 8.47
Robert Eller 1/40 " 8.47
Henrietta Peck 1/40 Niece 8.47
Mary A Hackett 1/40 " 8.47 [should be Hockett]
America E. Knorr 1/40 " 8.47
Martha C. Gould 1/40 " 8.47
Fanny M. Case 1/40 " 8.47
1/4 total
B.F. Summerlin 1/20 Nephew 16.95 [these are the 5 children of Anna Mar iah Parnell]
Presly D. Summerlin 1/20 " 16.95
Mrs. A. W. Thompson 1/20 Niece 16.95
W. H. Summerlin 1/20 Nephew 16.95
Mrs. Betty Sturgill 1/20 Niece 16.95
1/4 total
Sarah C. Jennings 1/8 " 42.37 [daughter of Sarah Parnell Hudson]
1/8 total
George Bumgarner 1/64 Nephew 5.29 [children of another daughter of Sar ah Parnell Hudson, possibly Melissa]
Henry Bumgarner 1/64 " 5.29
Fillmore Bumgarner 1/64 " 5.30
Rachel Bumgarner 1/64 Niece 5.30
John Bumgarner 1/64 Nephew 5.30
William Bumgarner 1/64 " 5.30
Bertha Bumgarner 1/64 " 5.30 (shd be niece, not nephew)
James Bumgarner 1/64 " 5.30
1/8 total
One $339.00
Notes: Marriage
Eller, John to Mary J. Parnell Date: 7-27-54
Joseph Eller and Sarah Evans
Husband Joseph Eller
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Peter Eller (1788- ) Mother: Susannah Lemly ( -1849)
Marriage: 2 Mar 1841 - Rhea Co., Tennessee
Wife Sarah Evans
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Joseph Eller
CENSUS: 1850 US Census Jackson Co., Alabama
Joseph Eller and several other Eller family member
CENSUS: 1860 US Census
CENSUS: 1870 US Census
CENSUS: 1880 US Census
BIOGRAPHY: Joseph and Sarah Evans had a total of 11 children. Joseph purchased land in Jefferson Co., Illinois in 1855.
BIRTH: It has not been proven that Joseph is a son of Peter, son of John, grandson of George Michael Eller, and Susan Lemly, but evidence suggests that this is correct.
Joseph L. Eller and Elizabeth Kirby
Husband Joseph L. Eller
Born: 10 Jun 1851 - Ashe Co, North Carolina Christened: Died: 26 Mar 1911 Buried:
Father: Luke Eller (1806-1883) Mother: Sarah King (1810-1892)
Marriage: 22 Sep 1875 - Ashe Co., North Carolina
Wife Elizabeth Kirby
Born: 15 Feb 1851 - Virginia Christened: Died: Buried:
1 F Nancy L. Eller
Born: 4 Jul 1876 - Ashe Co, North Carolina Christened: Died: 1 Mar 1956 Buried:
2 M Kirby Luke Eller
Born: 1 Apr 1878 - Staggs Creek, Ashe Co., North Carolina Christened: Died: Buried:
3 F Mary Ada Eller
Born: 20 Dec 1881 - Ashe Co, North Carolina Christened: Died: Buried:
4 M Robert Earl Eller
Born: 14 Apr 1886 Christened: Died: Buried:
5 M Millard Hansford Eller
Born: 9 Apr 1893 Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Joseph L. Eller
Census Place: Staggs Creek, Ashe, North Carolina
Source: FHL Film 1254952 National Archives Film T9-0952 Page 59 4B
Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace
Joseph L. ELLER Self M M W 28 NC Occ: Farmer Fa: N CMo: NC
Elisabeth ELLER Wife F M W 29 VA Occ: Keeping Fa: N CMo: NC
Nancy L. ELLER Dau F S W 3 NC Occ: At Home Fa: NC Mo: VA
Kirby L. ELLER Son M S W 2 NC Occ: At Home Fa: NC Mo: VA
Cynthia CANDLE Other F S W 20 NC Occ: Servant Fa: N CMo: NC
Joshua E. Eller and Celia Jones
Husband Joshua E. Eller
Born: Nov 1860 - Ashe Co, North Carolina Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: David Eller (1826-1901) Mother: Katherine Baker (1833-1903)
Marriage: 2 Sep 1883 - Ashe County, NC 1
Wife Celia Jones
Born: Aug 1863 - North Carolina Christened: Died: Buried:
1 F Jennie Eller
Born: May 1884 - North Carolina Christened: Died: Buried:
2 F Ennice Eller
Born: Jan 1886 - North Carolina Christened: Died: Buried:
3 M Guy Eller
Born: Aug 1887 - North Carolina Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Joshua E. Eller
Joshua Eller, son of David and Katherine Baker Eller, was born in Ashe Co North Carolina about 1861. He is found living with his parents, age 9, on the 1870 US Census of Ashe Co. NC, and age on the 1880 US Census of Stagg Creek, Ashe Co. North Carolina. He married Celia Jones, and they lived in Ashe County, North Carolina.
1880 US Census Place: Staggs Creek, Ashe, North Carolina
Source: FHL Film 1254952 National Archives Film T9-0952 Page 58 8A
Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace
David ELLER Self M M W 53 NC Occ: Farmer Fa: NC Mo: NC
Cathirine ELLER Wife F M W 44 NC Occ: Keeping Houe Fa: NC Mo: NC
John ELLER Son M S W 21 NC Occ: Farm Laborer Fa: N CMo: NC
Joshua ELLER Son M S W 19 NC Occ: Farm Laborer Fa: N CMo: NC
William ELLER Son M S W 15 NC Occ: At Home Fa: NC Mo: NC
Jacob ELLER Son M S W 14 NC Occ: At Home Fa: NC Mo: NC
Leomander ELLER Son M S W 12 NC Occ: At Home Fa: N CMo: NC
Lafayette Eller and Sarah Caroline Vannoy
Husband Lafayette Eller
Born: Abt 1844 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Mother: Nancy Eller (Abt 1814- )
Other Spouse: Abigail Phelps (Between 1840/1841-After 1880) - Between May 1874 and 1880 - Wapello Co., Iowa
Wife Sarah Caroline Vannoy
Born: 12 Jun 1848 Christened: Died: 13 May 1874 - Wapello Co., Iowa Buried: - Competine Cemetery Near Farson, Wapello Co., Iowa
General Notes: Husband - Lafayette Eller
Lafayette Eller, son of Nancy Eller, daughter of Peter Eller Jr., was born in Wilkes Co., North Carolina about 1844. The 1850 US Census shows him as age 6. He married 1st Sarah Caroline Vannoy, daughter of Abraham Wesley Vannoy. Lafayette and Sarah moved to Wapello Co., Iowa, where other relatives resided, including the family of Harvey Eller, his mother's cousin, son of Simeon, brother of Lafayette's grandfather Peter Jr. They had no children who lived to maturity. She died 13 May 1874, and is buried in the Competine, Iowa Cemetery, a half mile east of Farson, Wapello Co., Iowa. He married 2nd Abigail Phelps, daughter of Benjamin and Jane [McCall] Phelps, but had no children who grew to maturity. He is also buried in the Competine, Iowa Cemetery. His gravestone says b. 1839 d. 1919. If the 1850 and 1880 Censuses are correct, the gravestone is wrong as to his date of birth.
Census Place: Competine, Wapello, Iowa
Source: FHL Film 1254367 National Archives Film T9-0367 Page 52 D
Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace
Lafeyette ELLER Self M M W 36 NC Occ: Farmer Fa: --- Mo: NC
Abbey B. ELLER Wife F M W 39 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: - --Mo: ---
Lafayette Eller and Abigail Phelps
Husband Lafayette Eller
Born: Abt 1844 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Mother: Nancy Eller (Abt 1814- )
Marriage: Between May 1874 and 1880 - Wapello Co., Iowa
Other Spouse: Sarah Caroline Vannoy (1848-1874)
Wife Abigail Phelps
Born: Between 1840 and 1841 - Ohio Christened: Died: After 1880 Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Lafayette Eller
Lafayette Eller, son of Nancy Eller, daughter of Peter Eller Jr., was born in Wilkes Co., North Carolina about 1844. The 1850 US Census shows him as age 6. He married 1st Sarah Caroline Vannoy, daughter of Abraham Wesley Vannoy. Lafayette and Sarah moved to Wapello Co., Iowa, where other relatives resided, including the family of Harvey Eller, his mother's cousin, son of Simeon, brother of Lafayette's grandfather Peter Jr. They had no children who lived to maturity. She died 13 May 1874, and is buried in the Competine, Iowa Cemetery, a half mile east of Farson, Wapello Co., Iowa. He married 2nd Abigail Phelps, daughter of Benjamin and Jane [McCall] Phelps, but had no children who grew to maturity. He is also buried in the Competine, Iowa Cemetery. His gravestone says b. 1839 d. 1919. If the 1850 and 1880 Censuses are correct, the gravestone is wrong as to his date of birth.
Census Place: Competine, Wapello, Iowa
Source: FHL Film 1254367 National Archives Film T9-0367 Page 52 D
Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace
Lafeyette ELLER Self M M W 36 NC Occ: Farmer Fa: --- Mo: NC
Abbey B. ELLER Wife F M W 39 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: - --Mo: ---
Ashe Cty, NC Marriage Register 1853-1904.
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